Tuesday 24 October 2017



“What is the correct behaviour in a workplace?”

I picked 3 people I know from the industry who work with different ages along with asking my SIGs Facebook group to see how they managed behaviour in a classroom/rehearsal/workspace. Iv asked them all the same 3 questions,

-           -How do your students/members of your class/rehearsal behave overall?
      What are the main causes that change the behaviour of the members of the class/rehearsal, if it changes?
 -How do you deal with this professionally, does this change the structure of the class/rehearsal?

I understand that the difference between a workplace and a classroom would be the persons age, whether they made the decision to attend themselves, if they are being paid to be there or paying to be there, but I wanted to see the differences in their answers.

(Ruben De Monte, 26, East London, Teaches women 25-55, Ballet bare, Box & burn, Fitness based classes.)

-       = In general members of the class are very attentive and willing to work, most people invest their time and money into coming to these classes so they always try to make the most of it.
-     --  I would say I can see different behaviours when teaching at the beginning of the week, on a Monday morning for example when members of the class are fresh after the weekend and ready to start the week, the level of energy is much higher and members have a better awareness of body and breath. Towards the end of the week, especially Thursday and Friday evenings the mood of the class is lower so it’s up to me to bring it up and motivate people with my attitude and choice of music always helps.
-     --  I think its important to understand from the start the level of energy from the members in order to deliver a class that best suits them on the day. Having a group that wants to work hard at the beginning of the week and as less motivation towards the end of the week definitely changes the structure of my classes. I introduce respectively more strength exercises or longer stretch periods where necessary.

(Hannah Evans, 24, South Wales, Teaches children 3-16, Movement & choreography around schools along with her own company.)

(Emma Harrower, 30, London, Works as a freelancer with dancers 20-35)

- Everyone works in a friendly and professional manor. On occasions where I need clarification on choreography ect, someone is always happy to help.
- It can be stressful if there are any last minute changes to a show. People tend to be more focused and concentration levels are heightened, which can sometimes cause anxiety.
- This doesn't change the structure of the class/rehearsal as we are all professional. I try to remain calm and focus on the job in hand. 

(SIGs Group, Mdx BAPP Students, Teach/work with children all ages,)
Question 2:

From the SIGs group conversation the main points I gathered that change a persons behaviour in a classroom is loss in concentration in younger students, a confidence change in teenagers and their careless attitude or low self esteem, the interference of other members of the class. 

We also spoke about the use of imagery, how this differs when working with children/adults. Many of the group teach a younger audience so it was interesting to see how they related the methods to adults. Most said that they still use imagery when working with adults but it is portrayed in a different way, so using it for a class technique but not to gain control over the class like you do with children.

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