Thursday, 9 November 2017

Task 6B

Task 6B:
The use of different Tools within my Inquiry

In Task 6A I decided on using Interview style questions when gaining views from my SIG’s group on behaviour. I felt this was the most efficient way to gain personal responses and I’m happy with the outcome however, when sending a group the same questions I have to wonder whether it would have been more beneficial to send the questions by direct message, as there would be no influence from other member of the group when answering. Interviewing questions to a group was easier for me to evaluate as the answers were all on one page.

As mentioned in Task 6A my initial idea was to create a survey for my SIG’s. Keeping the content simple and to the point the users would have an easy to use application where they would feel more relaxed when answering the 4 questions. I started creating a template but decided against if after a few attempts as I would have to apply some optional answers for my SIG’s to choose from which defeats the point of gaining a personal response, that’s when I moved onto interview style questions. I like the idea of the survey and would be interested in trying out other students but felt it didn’t relate to my questions.

Gathering in a focus group is another tool I’ve thought of using when questioning my work colleagues. It’s something I’ve done previously within my practice and thought it worked well gathering as a team however, there are issues within this. Depending on the personalities amongst the group there can be a leader presents that steers the group opinion to make it not ethical.  This again has lead me back to the tool of interviewing colleagues individually for more reliable data.

Plot observation, another tool I would like to explore is beneficial as it allows you to look deep into a situation, this can be discussed within a focus group or individually. This is related to a task I would like to try out after questioning my work colleagues. I’ve spoken before in my literature review about “Creative Confidence” and the Creative Challenge #4 on observing human behaviour and the process in doing so. Again this depends on if its being done in a group or individually to gain different ethical issues.

When looking at documents it is important to gain the correct information beforehand, knowing if they are ethically right and come from a reliable source. Many times throughout my practice I gain information from the Internet or from books, as it is easily accessible but remembering to be mindful that the information is valuable to my question/point. In Module 1 I spoke a lot about the advantages and disadvantages on the use of Web 2.0.

Task 6A

Task 6A:

Continuing on from my previous blog on Task 6A, I initially decided to go with survey style questions, Jennifer’s blog on using Money Survey as a layout interested me and I research the use of a survey table. After reviewing what I created I decided I’d prefer to have interview style questions to get a more personal response and evaluate the answers after. I started this in Task 4C, where I briefly sent similar questions to 3 people I know in the industry, I asked them personally if they’d be happy to be involved but didn’t get a ethics form to them so I will use this blog as a tester for when I contact my work colleagues.

I sent 4 questions to Emily, Ronnia and Kirsty in my SIG’s group,

1: What is the correct behaviour in a workplace? (Adults)
2: What steers behaviour from disobeying Codes of conduct in a workplace? (Adults)
3: How does parenting affect a child’s behaviour/learning?
4: How has your upbringing made you look at behaviour?

Question 1 is quite obvious to a professional when working as we use our own initiative and morals. The response I got was similar throughout my SIG’s views, the words ‘professional’ and ‘respectful’ repeated in their responses and that they treat people as they would want to be treated in return. Emily’s answer questioned the behaviour from colleagues depends on the atmosphere from the workplace, example, if the workplace offers a relaxed atmosphere would the colleague then be more relaxed when abiding rules.

Question 2 is slightly more complex as not everyone in my group had experienced people disobeying rules in the work place. I got mixed responses on this question but the main points were from colleagues being made to do something they don’t think is correct, what the colleagues personalities are like and if the colleagues are being treated equally in the workplace. These answers support my own views on this question and is something I have experienced in my practise so I look forward to putting this forward to my colleagues.

Question 3 is the most interesting in my views, since reading ‘Nuture Shock’ and researching the affects of parenting I wanted to look at behaviour from a different angle. My SIG’s group all believe parenting is one of the main tools to affects a child’s behaviour. Depending on the parent’s views on strict/relaxed upbringing, being scared of upsetting their children and their use of punishment if there are any all are believed to contribute to a child’s behaviour. I also read Kirsty’s blog on lying, which refers back to parenting techniques.

Question 4 is completely personal but gives a good idea how majority are brought up. Likewise to question 1 we shared similar points on being respectful, and gaining morals handed down from our parents.

In conclusion to my interview I wish to steer my inquiry towards the techniques and affects of parenting, then to contract these with adult behaviour. The interview has helped me gain views of other and support my own before moving into questioning my colleagues within my workplace.

Friday, 3 November 2017

Where I am so far with my Professional Inquiry

Where I am so far with my Professional Inquiry:

After a lot of reading through my work, Readers 5, the Handbook and my notes I made a plan that Adesola suggested in a campus session a couple of weeks back to see all the information I’ve gathered on one page. I started with the development of questions I want to explore and points of interest coming from them, I’ve also added where ethical principles lie and any evidence I’ve seen/read up until now.
This has been helpful as I feel there has been a lot of new information in the readers and needed to see where it all fit into my inquiry.

Continuing on from this I need to start exploring behaviour in my practise, considering professional ethics and evaluating the process/outcome.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Task 5c: Draft 1

Task 5c:
Professional Ethics Draft 1:

I didn’t realise how detailed Ethics was so reading through Readers 5 gave a good insight to the different dimensions. Ethics can be applied to any piece of information and I’ve tired to be more aware of London’s advertising and the ethical questions I get from them. The history on ethics has changed several times according to the philosopher’s views and beliefs and has based ethics on religion, law and moral choices, but there’s still question whether it is good or bad.

 After looking at the case studies and applying the different views I have come to the conclusion that ethics comes down to my personal thoughts, beliefs and morals. However, when considering other people especially planning for my inquiry I must open my views up and look from different ethical angles to make a fair judgement. Amongst this I will face questions where I will decide the correct ethical response depending if it’s personal, professional, organizational and the affect it will have on my workplace.

Planning ethical consideration for my professional inquiry:

As I am working with an age group close to my own I find it easier to communicate issues and get a series of responses. Relating my inquiry to the theoretical framework I have mixed behaviour with colleagues comparing information with their views and morals. I will look at this alongside the codes of conduct and question the behaviour of colleagues. I will also be considering that my colleagues are aware they are being questioned on their behaviour and the ethical actions I need to take beforehand to make sure this is done and the information is stored correctly.

Any relating questions or information on this would be really helpful as sometimes I still feel I am in the unknown with my thoughts.