Thursday, 1 March 2018

Task 7a

Module 3
Task 7a

From reading through M3 handbook you see the module is split into 3 sections and is 100% based on coursework.
The Critical Review
Professional Artefact
Oral Presentation

The image above is a helpful guide to plan out what can be completed at what stages as well as a ghantt chart and diary deadlines. As I have stripped my inquiry plan back I need to gather more relevant evidence. With Stage 2 including a Literature review I am taking on notes that Helen gave on our Skype call to gather new information on professional behaviour. Below are the list of arts based websites I have began contacting and gathering articles from,

To help with the structure of my review I will refer to Hart 1998, list the purpose of what to include in a literature review,

1 distinguishing what has been done from what needs to be
2 discovering important variables relevant to the topic;
3 synthesizing and gaining a new perspective;
4 identifying relationships between ideas and practice;
5 establishing the context of the topic or problem;
6 rationalizing the significance of the problem;
7 enhancing and acquiring the subject vocabulary;
8 understanding the structure of the subject;
9 relating ideas and theory to applications;
10 identifying the main methodologies and research
techniques that have been used;
11 placing the research in a historical context to show
familiarity with state-of-the-art developments (1998, p. 27).

Reading University helped me avoid making mistakes on plagiarism by their advice on guided videos bibliography and referencing,

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