Wednesday, 30 May 2018

MA Presentations

MA Presentations

Today I managed to get up to Middlesex University in time to support the MA students in their final presentations. This was something I have wanted to do over the past months but thought this time was beneficial as I am presenting my inquiry on the 7th June.

We met at the Ritterman dance studio on campus where Module 3 presentations will also be held, I felt reassured seeing the space so I can now visualise how my own will go. The course was small only having 4 students but was interesting to see each inquiry process, what methods they used to present and the use of their voice, body language and presentation skills.

Your presentation is your own take on your inquiry, there was use of powerpoint, video and audio, music, images and text displayed through participants own laptop/ipad/phone. Important point I took away from today was to practice what your going to say, and send a back up of your presentation to Adesola or Helen incase of lost connection.

Well done to all MA students today and to all Module 3's preparing for presentations.



The relief after submitting my dissertation feels wonderful!! After all the study days in cafes and evenings at home it was amazing to submit the file into Turnitin on Monday.

Looking back over the handbook I have now started to piece my presentation together, drawing a section from my artefact video and including slides from my inquiry. I plan to talk through the 10 slides I've chosen to tell my audience and tutors the journey Iv undergone in the past 6 months.

As I am the last group to present my inquiry I plan to attend the afternoon group presentations on Wednesday 30th to get a feel of the questions that follow up the presentation.

I hope everyone is pleased will the work they have submitted, I cant believe its about to come to an end!



As soon as I finished drafting my critical review I began with the planning for the artefact. As I missed the last Skype call I gathered some info on other Module 3's blogs on this. Some important points I have taken are,

- Its not about the findings, but the process
- The artefact is an adaption of each element
- The artefact is less formal than the review
- Explain the inquiry as if it was to someone who had no idea on my topic

From here I am currently planning to create an audio visual on my practice that explains the journey I have taken for my inquiry. I would then like to create a set of codes I find valuable from my findings to share in my artefact and presentation.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Growth or Fixed Mindset

You’re in charge of your mind. You can help it grow by using it in the right way." —Carol Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

As we are in the month of submitting our drafts I feel I have researched and written a lot on my inquiry but I cant help but feel anxious about finishing off sections I've left and then submitting it all.
I have tried to dedicate 2-3 days a week on my work which is hard with work commitments and somedays I don't feel focused at all. Doing a workout or stretch in the mornings seem to help activate my brain before sitting in front of my laptop for hours. An interesting piece a found on the difference between a growth and fixed mindset by Carol Dweck who I previously researched, made me wonder if we are aware what mindset we have and the effect it has on us. I also thought about how each mindset affected the participants answers when I conducted my interviews a few weeks back.

I then came across a quiz of 10 questions that tells you if you have a growth or fixed mindset, which I was really interested in finding out,

Skype Session 20/03/18 5pm

This evening we had a Skype session where there were 9 of us all from different modules, this was I think the largest group Skype I had attended so was really interesting to get so many point of views. We began as we usually do introducing and stating where we are at in the module and what we want to talk about in the session. There was some confusion for module 3's about dates of hand in's ect which was cleared up by the academic calendar on uni hub if anyone is also stuck finding them.

Important points I wanted to address were, if I am on the right track and how much Id done in comparison to other m3's, finding out if any other member of the group had conducted their interviews or tried to organise one with an organisation and how they went about it.

I found everyone had more or less started their literature review in some way, including their findings from the methods they had started using, I have completed my interviews with my colleagues at my workplace which I found easy to organise but I'm having trouble getting a response arts organisations to schedule an interview. Emma and Jess were really helpful and suggested that instead of trying to arrange an interview, I send over the interview questions, similar to my survey and see if they respond that way. I think this is my next moving point with gaining a more professional view to add to my research. Helen also suggested I find someone who is linked with an arts organisation which is something I will also look into.

Another important point that came up was about m1, and how effective the reflective journal is at such an early stage. I remember feeling like I was almost wasting time writing a diary regularly on my practice but we discussed the importance the journal brings at a later date, as you can refer back to it as a piece of evidence.

Adesola mentioned a really good point that "the process has value'', I think going through mounds of information and getting confused is a part of the process, my questions and opinion have changed so many times throughout the modules and have left me feeling frustrated but it all a part of your inquiry. Also making sure that everything relates back to your practice is something I think when re reading my work to help keep me on track, if its important to me then I know I'm working towards something meaningful to my practice.

Im so glad I was able to attend the session as I'm terrible with missing previous ones.

If anyone has a minute can you please fill out my survey, Thankyou

Please can you fill out my Survey

If anyone has the time between literature reviews and life, can you fill out my survey please! Thankyou

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Task 7a

Module 3
Task 7a

From reading through M3 handbook you see the module is split into 3 sections and is 100% based on coursework.
The Critical Review
Professional Artefact
Oral Presentation

The image above is a helpful guide to plan out what can be completed at what stages as well as a ghantt chart and diary deadlines. As I have stripped my inquiry plan back I need to gather more relevant evidence. With Stage 2 including a Literature review I am taking on notes that Helen gave on our Skype call to gather new information on professional behaviour. Below are the list of arts based websites I have began contacting and gathering articles from,

To help with the structure of my review I will refer to Hart 1998, list the purpose of what to include in a literature review,

1 distinguishing what has been done from what needs to be
2 discovering important variables relevant to the topic;
3 synthesizing and gaining a new perspective;
4 identifying relationships between ideas and practice;
5 establishing the context of the topic or problem;
6 rationalizing the significance of the problem;
7 enhancing and acquiring the subject vocabulary;
8 understanding the structure of the subject;
9 relating ideas and theory to applications;
10 identifying the main methodologies and research
techniques that have been used;
11 placing the research in a historical context to show
familiarity with state-of-the-art developments (1998, p. 27).

Reading University helped me avoid making mistakes on plagiarism by their advice on guided videos bibliography and referencing,

Monday, 26 February 2018

Module 3 Skype call with Helen

Skype call with Helen 26/02/18

After receiving my feedback I felt my inquiry was swimming around me in different directions. My ideas were scattered under the topic of Behaviour and my linking ideas didn’t have enough literature to support them. I arranged a Skype call with Helen to review my plan.

I think the most important part of the inquiry is identifying if it really relates to your current practice, Helen and myself discussed my work and what to eliminate. I have decided to strip back my interviews to just my work place and to only include adults, no children. I want to come away from how involved child behaviour is and centre my thoughts more from a practitioner’s side.

Helen suggested looking more into arts literature and professional ethics through Equity and Arts council. Here I can find further evidence and possibly an interview on performers rights.

Reading through Module 3 handbook is starting to make more sense than previous because I am planning in advance how my inquiry will go. Adding more relevant literature and findings with help this process and give body to my plan.