Sunday, 24 September 2017

Module 2 - Starting back after Summer

Module 2 - Starting back after the summer break.

After completing Module 1, receiving my grades and feedback, it was time to think over the summer how I can apply this information when starting Module 2.

I found working my grade out from M1 quite difficult to understand but my feedback was positive and reassuring that I was on the right track when presenting my work throughout my blog and in my Critical Reflection.  The main points to focus on from my feedback along with my own thoughts of improvement are not to repeat myself. Paula once said in a Skype meeting that I have to state the obvious and explain the ideas that help me understand my practice. Ill do this by finding out what works for me before writing in my blog. Also adding more appendices in such as video clips and tasks that I have found useful throughout my learning. Module 1 really related to my PP as I was working in a show weekly, applying theories and techniques helped me to understand myself in my workplace and my colleagues, which has gained time wasting and conflict when on a busy schedule. I will continue to work this way and see how I can develop this into my professional inquiry.

Moving into Module 2 I know will be more challenging so making sure I attend the group discussions on and off campus is very important. Also making time to comment on more people’s blogs to help me develop my own ideas is a task I will try to improve on. Continuing to read through M2 handbook and Readers I will get an understanding of what M2 has to offer.

Looking Forward to the winter semester.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alicia, I, like you find if difficult to work out my grade (intact I find everything to do with UniHub really difficult to understand, as I don't think it is straight forward to use)
    I hope you are finding module 2 okay so far, I find it is definitely very different to module 1.
    Emily x
