Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Summary of Task1

Summary of Module 1;

With this being the first Module it was like walking into the unknown and learning how to put pen to paper again, after receiving the Handbook and Readers 1 it became more real that this was an independent course and totally on my terms. That being said since working through the tasks and researching my own practice at my own pace I have throughly enjoyed Module 1.
It's so refreshing to see other students ideas on their blogs and how differently people interpret each task, it's almost as if there is no wrong just your own reflecting on your practice.
I firstly organised my time in my diary to get an overall view of how many tasks there were and how often I would need to work each week. I tried to stick to this schedule as much as possible allowing myself a few days off in between each task to think about what I'd written and what was next.

The first task was really interesting as I got to look at all my CV's at once and compare their strengths and weaknesses, picking out points on each CV that relate to each job. Also how to organise my information and knowing how much to put for an employer to see. Moving onto Task 1B, this was probably the task that required the most reading and research for me. Not knowing what a lot of the content meant, I spent a lot of time reading before making my own attempt on PCT and how to related to me. Another section in task 1b I struggled with was the Ethical Consideration and different positions and interpretations, but after a Skype call with other students and Paula it became clear how to relate these to my practice and putting it in writing.
Task 1C and D gave me the freedom to research my own images and ideas of what the topics meant to me so far and uploading a video to introduce myself and talk about how the course related to my future and to show my input with PCT. I also combined images of my own social networking pages to see examples of how I work, for this I used an image of my Instagram account showing different photos from jobs and my showreel that was uploaded onto YouTube.

Overall I now have a clear understanding about what Professional Communication Technology is and an in depth knowledge of the different topics that I researched. It's taken me just over 3 weeks to complete this first Task and I'm confident to move onto Task 2 after a feedback session from Paula.

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