Do some very specific ideas emerge about your networking and sources? Does your engagement to date seem appropriate? Limited? Focused? Planned? Unplanned?
The industry is quite small once you've found the section that your interested in so the sources I find might be similar if not the same as the next performer who has the same interests as me. However the way I network is individual to me a if would be for anyone else, I have a certain way I like to address myself when connecting with an employer. This is something I have be unconsciously doing since I graduated almost three years ago now, it becomes a way of life day to day contacting people for job opportunities. I tend to stay focused when knowing there might be a chance I'll be in contact with a future employer but sometimes when meeting with friends it can turn into an unplanned conversation about jobs and auditions. With the help of Module 1 I have been able to identify appropriate techniques when contacting an employer.
Are your ideas, position or concerns shared by others within and/or beyond your professional area of work?
My position is shared with my friends, family, colleagues and beyond my control with the use of Wed 2.0 and how data can be shared instantly, I try and only put positive ideas out on the web again not knowing my full audience this is something I have to be mindful about. There is an advantage and disadvantage when promoting yourself online, you want to get your image across and connect with the right people but that cannot always be helped when it's beyond your control at times. My friends, family and colleagues also share my interests and ideas when around them as I have a good relationship with these people close to me, However, I do try to keep my concerns to a minimum and I'm mindful with who I tell these to. Remaining a professional manner at work and with people related to my profession is important but when with family I would share my work life concerns with for advice.
Does sharing ideas and communicating with others shift your thinking, planning or practice?
Since reflecting on my practice and talking previously about the techniques I use when learning through reflecting I have started sharing my ideas with my colleagues to help me get a better understanding of their needs from me as a dance captain. Their feedback has lead me in the right direction to know the most efficient way of working. Saying that I don't revolve my planning around them, I have a way I like to plan a rehearsal and stick to that but let the influence of my colleagues see what I could improve on.
Does critical reflection help you decide what really matters and the actions to take?
Critically reflecting on myself has taught me how to break down my feelings in a situation, what caused those feelings and what actions to take. This also helped me identify the feelings of others and is interesting to see the actions that others take. Doing this in person is fine however transforming my thoughts and feelings into words for others to read is something I haven't found so easy. I have struggled with giving critical feedback on other peoples blog as I'm unsure if I'm being too harsh or my comments may not be useful to that persons text. This is something I want to improve at and will come with trail and error.
To what extent do concepts and theories assist you in thinking about your professional networking in different ways? And do these different ways of thinking have some purpose for you?
Before starting this module I can't say I was aware of using theories and concepts of others or if I even knew theories of others. It has really opened me up to how much information is out there supporting an idea alone. I have learned about so many practitioners and important people that have put knowledge behind the behaviour of others and the actions we take. They have given me answers to my own questions and made me more mindful to people's learning abilities.
• Are you left thinking differently prior to this part of the module? And if so, how?
As I come to the end of Module 1 I reflect back on all the tasks Iv completed and the journey Iv come on in the last 12 weeks. I feel a lot more aware and interested in my practice and the psychology of others, I feel knowledgeable of practitioners and their techniques and reassuring myself that I am on the right track with my work and the steps to progressively move forward into Module 2. My critical reflection is a summary of everything I have covered and tied together since starting the course in February, which is quite scary that Iv put it all into 1000 words. I am very much looking forward to Module 2 and the new information and techniques I will learn.